For Educators
The following lessons and activities are primarily for students, but may be used by people of all ages to learn about stormwater issues. Check out the Resources page for additional information.
Kindergarten to 5th Grade:
Stormwater Activities for Kids:
a booklet of stormwater activiities for kids including education about stormwater pollution,word search, and crossword puzzle. Produced by the NCDOT.
Nonpoint Source Pollution:
an offering of games, wordsearches, articles and activities, and interactive flash games all about stormwater and water pollution. Produced by the EPA.
Clean Waterways:
information, games, and videos about stormwater and the hydrology of the US. Produced by the Stormwater Management Joint Task Force.
Project WET:
a list of resources available to teachers of all levels funded by the state to provide teachers with the tools to better teach water education. Produced by the NCDEQ.
6th Grade to 12th Grade:
Natural and Urban Stormwater Lesson:
an excellent lesson plan which offers an overview of stormwater and the hydrologic cycle and ties in engineering. Available fromĀ Teach Engineering contributed by: Water Awareness Research and Education (WARE) Research Experience for Teachers (RET), University of South Florida, Tampa
Contributed by: Water Awareness Research and Education (WARE) Research Experience for Teachers (RET), University of South Florida, Tampa
Drinking Water and Groundwater:
a collection of instructional materials as well as games and activities for students of all ages. Produced by the EPA.
North Carolina’s River Basins:
relatively advanced information and interactive maps about watersheds and the hydrology of North Carolina. Produced by the NCDEQ.