
Where Can I Learn More?

Below are links to many great resources for learning more about stormwater. They include information from local, state and national stormwater experts.

Municipal Staff Training

Staff Training is required by municipal stormwater permits. Partnership members have access to online training videos by clicking the link above. If you are interest in having access to the trainings, please contact us about joining the Regional Stormwater Partnership of the Carolinas.

The official NCDEQ Stormwater page

provides access to every rule, law, and regulation governing BMPs and stormwater management in North Carolina.

Water Resources Research Institute(WRRI)

maintains a listserve for people interested in NC water resources activities and funding as well as water-related workshops/events.

The Stormwater Association of North Carolina (SWANC)

has a mission to foster professional stormwater management in North Carolina.

The International Stormwater BMP Database

provides access to hundreds of BMP studies and detailed analysis by experts all over the world.

NCDEQ Water Resources

ensures safe drinking water, issues pollution control permits, monitors permit compliance, evaluates environmental water quantity and quality, and carries out enforcement actions for violations.

WNC Stormater Partnership

Western North Carolina’s Gateway to stormwater information and local programs and regulations.

Piedmont Triad Water Quality Partnership

works towards better water quality, which means protected sources of drinking water and a safe environment for you and your family.

Residential Rain Garden Workshop

the workshop covers all aspects of rain garden design, plant selection, and care, and provides participants hands-on experience in rain garden installation.

Improving Water Quality in Your Own Backyard

a detailed guide to sources of and solutions to stormwater pollution related to homeowners. Produced by the NCDEQ.

WRRI Stormwater Group

formed in 1998, this subgroup of the Urban Water Consortium and consists of the nine municipal UWC members that also have municipal stormwater programs. This group sponsors research and technology transfer on urban stormwater and management issues.

NCSU Water Resources Workshops and Conferences

information about various conferences and workshops sponsored by NC State University’s Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering.

The official EPA Stormwater page

provides a quick introduction to stormwater. It also provides links to technical information, specs, and regulations concerning stormwater management and BMPs.

Clean Water Education Partnership

this website lets you explore and learn simple things you can do to help protect our water resources.

Center for Watershed Protection

leading the nation with clean water solutions.

NCDEQ Funding

information about water-related grants available through the NC Department of Environmental Quality.

Piedmont Triad Regional Council Stormwater SMART Program

a voluntary association of local governments – urban and rural – authorized by state law to make and implement joint regional decisions, provide management, planning and technical services, identify and solve short and long-term problems, bring together local elected officials on a regular basis, and promote regional issues and cooperation among members.